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Experiential Learning. Do it!


getting in the water is first about feeling water temperature, feeling wet and what that does to skin and clothing: feeling the frustration of water in the eyes or the nose or the ears, and feel it fall off the hair and down the body. water can be scary or fun. In the deep end there is freedom of movement and feeling how the water supports the body weight and the sensation of floating--support and ease whether its on an air mattress or with full body immersion.

in the shallow water there is resistance to movement at the same time as support ,so that gravity is eliminated or at half power. water gives us a different experience of moving and the brain learns from the differences. The brain remembers the sensations and you can describe the differences with words. the brain remembers and creates an intention to fell the sensations again, or not.

You will be able to recall the experience with your new sensations and have emotions attached to the experience: happy, excited, fun, cold, horrible, scary.

the next body of water you see will have some of the memories attached and you can relive the experience in your imagination.

you only have to do the water once and your brain will remember. But then everytime you get in the water ,you wiil layer in new information and new skills because of the old information.

DR. Moshe Feldenkrais as a physicist, chemist,judo expert and soccer player understood the importance of experiential learning and developed his approach by exagerating the sensory information first,in order to build new motor responses.

our bodies were made to explore, be curious, ask questions and to find may ways to do the same thing.

Repitition with awareness of the sensations creates new motor behaviour. Repitition with no awareness just creates work. Ten jumping jacks can make you sweat or with an awareness of how you land, how the arms and legs give you lift and a softer landing, you can move efficiently and gracefully with enjoyment of your abilities.

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