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Integrated Functional Movement: It's for everyone. We are made to move!

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

We grew into our ability to work in gravity through living practice. We had fun early in life, and because of our curiosity, we repeated movement patterns to explore their outcomes. The repetition was not done because someone told us to roll down the hill thirty times in order to learn! We rolled down the hill, because it was fun! And every time we did it, we learned something. We learned things to make it more fun, and we learned things to avoid in the future.

Moving merely by assignment destroys the fun and all the natural awareness and curiosity that helps us identify the movement's purpose as a part of our lives and our world. When we move with appeciation for- and participation with- our humanity, we can ask ourselves," How can I adapt this movement to help me finish a project?"

I thought I would like a rain shower a few years back, so I had one installed. The first morning I stepped into the bath and turned on the shower, my body flinched and pulled into itself. As the rain shower came on, I realized that I was responding with physical tension as a reflex to the hard shower spray. I was sending my nervous system into "fight or flight", because the force of the water was so hard. However, when I adjusted the rainwater to soft, I experienced a gentle, relaxing response to the water.

When we are aware of how we move in relation to our world, we can begin to change our circumstances to create a more easeful experience. Softness does not equate with weakness. It equates with a better self awareness and self love. We do not have to match our movement expectations to what the world requires. In fact, we can make the world around us match to what we know we can manage. And that's ok. Allowing yourself to dial down what's hard is ok. Choosing a softer climate is ok. Translate YOUR world with support and attention, so that you can love the movement you are made to do!

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